
Monday, September 24, 2018

Back at it

After a three week hiatus I saddled up and headed out for a ride on Friday evening. Knowing I haven't ridden at all in the month of September I decided to stick to a known loop of about 18 miles. The first mile was rough. Legs just didn't want to go. By the second mile my legs started to ease in a bit. There is a stretch on this loop where it is pretty flat and you just turn the pedals for a few miles straight. It is easy to get settled in. I did manage to settle in for the most part, other than the wind gusts that would slow me down. Overall it was a good way to get back to riding.

Saturday was filled with school clothes shopping, but Sunday after grocery shopping I headed out again. I rode almost the same loop as Friday, just a bit longer. I was able to settle in and feel pretty good overall, but I could tell I was riding slow. You can feel that your speeds are lower. I plugged away and ended up with just over 21 miles. I noticed as I was getting close to home that the temps had dropped. It wasn't all that warm when I started, but I am guessing it was under 60 degrees when I got home. Glad the ride wasn't much longer, temps drop fast this time of year. 

At any rate, a good weekend of breaking the legs back in. I did sign up for the fall edition of the Lowell 50 so I need to keep moving and get some good base miles. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

If Tomorrow never comes

This is illogical. It is easy to sit back and say "I will do it tomorrow" or we will plan on "starting tomorrow". But in reality....does Tomorrow even exist? Yes, it does....but do we ever actually get to "tomorrow"? Meaning, when does "tomorrow" actually get here. Because as soon as it seems like "tomorrow" it actually turns into "today" and then the day after "tomorrow" turns into "tomorrow". So, "tomorrow" never actually gets here.

Kind of like when you have nothing you actually have something.....nothing. So you can never actually have nothing because you always have something...even if it is nothing. Make sense?

Anyway, the best time to start is always tomorrow. Because the perpetual cycle continues. We all say we will do it tomorrow when in reality we know we never intend to do it. Tomorrow opens us up to a world of freedom that we don't even realize. Because there is always tomorrow. 

Ok, maybe that was an odd topic. This post is just to say....that I will be starting tomorrow.