
Friday, August 16, 2024

What now?

 Some of you might wonder where I have been. I got cleared to ride my bike outside almost 2 weeks ago, yet the bikes are still right where they were. So....why?

Well....simply stated....there is a lot going on.

Easy right? lol. Everyone has a lot going on. So its not an excuse. Nor is it a reason. It just is what it is.

First, an update.

The elbow is getting stronger every day. It could be up another 6-12 months before its fully healed. So I am still taking it easy and not pushing it much. It doesn't hurt unless I push that boundary. Then, it can hurt for a while....sometimes days. But, right now it feels pretty good. Just need more time. 

Second update. I have started a light weight workout routine. Nothing special, just a slow build to become stronger. It will build with time, but for now...its just a few weights and motions to keep me moving. 

I haven't been on the bike much, because its in the basement. Not sure the elbow is ready for mountain biking, but the gravel has evaded me as well. I will get there, just had a lot of appointments lately. 

Appointments for what? Well....about that. 

The time has come for another surgery. This time around I am going to play it closer to the vest. It is something that I need to do, and that will be happening next week. I have had a ton of appointments in the last couple of weeks getting ready. Now, its just time to get it done. 

This is the main reason I haven't been very active. I have been researching, going to appointments, getting blood drawn, and trying to mentally prepare for what is coming for me. 

Sure, surgery is never really good. Because in general it is needed for some type of injury, ailment, or something that just needs to be done. However, after the surgery and recovery time the reason for said surgery should be solved. Hopefully. You have to do more work to make the surgery successful. This is why I have been busy doing the research. I want to make sure I am prepared for the aftermath.

But....movement is a big part of recovery. So....they want me moving every day. Every hour actually. For those that have had major surgeries you know that movement helps the healing process. So in the week that I have off I will be on the bike every day. Maybe only 15 minutes to start, but this will be the way that I can heal quicker and get some time in my legs. I asked the question today about how long it will be before I am back to 100%, and its just an unknown. If I follow their rules I can get back there faster. 

I will be on the bike, doing some minor weights, walking the dog, and on a restricted diet to help the process. Hopefully I can be back on the bike (outside) and get some show miles in before the snow flies.

But why? 

Because. Its something I have to do for myself. I have posted about that multiple times before. You cannot pour from an empty cup. After this surgery things will be different and I know that things will change for the better. 

So when are we riding? I wish I knew. Maybe 2 weeks? Maybe 8? But, just know I will post up and maybe you can join me! 

Keep moving forward. 

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