
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Whoops, and year looks solid

Took another hiatus....apologies. I am working on getting back into the swing of blogging on the weekdays. Clearly that hasn't been good this year. But, things are changing and I am planning my 2020 we go.

For the year 2020 I am putting 2 huge events on my schedule. Everything else will lead up to these. They are....

While one of these might be obvious....the other might not be so clear. But all the events I do up to the first one (above) will be strictly for training for these 2 events. For Barry roubaix I am pondering the 62 miler. For The lowell 50...the 52 mile choice. If there is a long event before mid June....I am wanting to use it for training, for testing, for realizing.

The undertaking of an off road century is nasty enough. But the following weekend will be even worse. Twice the distance. And if you have seen me know I am nowhere near ready for these types of events. But....I am laying down a plan.

I am learning more on nutrition. I am putting my ass on the saddle as much as I can. That starts this week. Better choices for food. Healthier choices. Lifestyle changes. All the "yada yada" that has been posted on here before. I am tired of starting over. So I am just starting. 

Any endurance ideas....nutrition secrets....books on all of this...including the mental side....are welcome and appreciated. I know what I have to do....but knowledge is surely power. The more I learn the better.

Lets fucking do this.

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