Not many people have seen me lately. Not going to lie....I tanked.
Mood left. Motivation left. Mass found me.
The damage was done.....
However, it can be fixed.
In 2021 my season started great. I was riding a ton. I was hitting goals. I was winning at life. Unfortunately for me and my life....chaos always seems to ensue. That chaos came in the form of continued family issues. If you know me, family comes first. I give my all. Turn my focus to the issue. In turn....I lose myself.
The image above speaks volumes. Because I focus so much on getting thru the chaos I empty my cup. So the chaos is managed, and my mind is in turn chaotic. The image below goes hand in hand with the one above...
If you take care of yourself....filling your in turn have a full cup to pour out of. I always go back to what the airlines tell you to do in case of emergency.
Step 1: place your mask on
Step 2: help others with their masks
The short story here is....if you don't get your mask on and you pass out, you are no good to anybody. You take care of yourself first and you are able to help others. Plain and simple.
It brings me back to how I got here. I allowed the scale to creep higher. I stopped riding. I have been trying to pour from an empty cup and all it does is make my cup bigger. Digging a deeper hole so to speak. The deeper the hole, the harder it is to get out of. Not impossible, just difficult.
But when have I ever done things the easy way....sigh.
So its time to reload. Get back to the basics. Ride. Sleep. Eat less. Eat Better. Ride.
That combo will get me where I need to be. Sure the damage is done. The hole is dug. But now its time to get back on track with myself. I will still have that chaos, but I need to manage it better. And in that management, remember that I am important too. I am no good to anyone if I am under the dirt.
I plan to do LJ100 again in 2023. This gives me just under a year to be where I want to be.
Care to join me?
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